Scallywags Opening Reception Feb 22nd
3649 Lawton @ 43rd Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 681-3380
Please join us on Saturday, February 22nd from 6pm to 10pm for the opening reception and to meet the artists.
The Great Highway Gallery is pleased to present Scallywags – mischievously amusing works of art by David Gardner, Jonathan Steinberg, Alexander Schaffer Czech, Boogie Bill Strasser & John Lindsey. Scamps and rascals welcome.
A group of harmless seafarers that have explored every way possible to ride and slide on Mother nature’s gift to reduction in GDP – oceanic waves. Some might call them dick draggers, eski lid riders, teabags, half men, and sponges, but they do not adhere to such societal monikers nor do they limit their approach to the opportunities that the sea provides them as well.
Their art exemplifies a diversity of knowledge, style and ability both in and out of the water. They apply their passion for fun and individuality to their creative endeavors as well as to their surfing. In an era where surfing is taken too seriously, their works embrace the thought that oceanic fun can be had in many ways, and pushes back against the idea that everyone is trying to tow into 100’ waves or surf for the sake of sponsorship. It hearkens back to a time when surfers were the outcasts of society, near do wells, lazies and louts … a time when riding waves was shared by the impassioned for the sake of riding waves.
About the Artists
David Gardner
David Gardner’s found objects turn into simple stories for a complex world when he applies his iconic figures. Cast away the distractions and think about the forces and magic that lurks below the surface. David is a veteran of numerous gallery shows and Santa Cruz public art installations.
Jonathan Steinberg
Jonathan Steinberg is an old codger, barrel dodger and small wave hellman.
He recently had his mid-career retrospective at Johnny’s Barbershop in Santa Cruz, California. This installation’s format draws it’s inspiration from the homes of enthusiastic Jewish grandmothers.
Alexander Schaffer Czech
Alexander is a Bay Area artist who calls Santa Cruz, California home. He teaches drawing, painting, sculpture, and graphic design at Los Gatos High School in Los Gatos, California where he has the opportunity to share his love for the arts with today’s youth. When not working at the “kid factory”, he is either spending time with his wife (who has a son and daughter in the oven), fishing, riding waves, making art, or pulling weeds in his yard.
Boogie Bill Strasser
Bill works pictorially to create a wide range of objects and jewelry combining both precious and non precious metals. These layered pieces utilize such elements as oceanic images, Mexican Dia De Los Muertos ceremonies and the vigorous style Picasso cultivated after his trip to Africa. His work often features contrasting symbols and striking primitive faces.
John Lindsey
John originally came to San Francisco to go to cooking school. He know likes to feed peoples eyes and memories with his images. A digital artist, he draws upon a vast pantry of images and ideas to create work that is familiar but still questioned but always tastes good.
About the Gallery
The Great Highway is a fine art gallery and working studio featuring contemporary works in all mediums. The gallery was founded by John Lindsey, a San Francisco resident with San Francisco Art Institute roots who carries a deep appreciation for images and ideas that explore where land meets water. The Gallery supports and promotes a diverse group of artists who seek sincere beauty, challenge conventional thinking and amuse us with conceptual ideas in their work. The studio works with these artists in developing, printing, and presenting their works. Located in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset district, The Great Highway gallery’s mission is to explore, search, seek, analyze, and collect the work of those artists who push the boundaries of today’s creative mediums while nurturing the ongoing conversations that exist in the micro-communities found in today’s complex social make-up.
For Further Information
Curator: John Lindsey
(415) 681-3380